
Product Summary: AMA rates Opening up of a very narrowed/ obstructed ureteric opening. Either by cold knife or laser. Item Number: 36830, 105 Where a congenital / acquired narrowing in the ureteric opening occurs. This procedure is used to open the ureter and ease the...

Urethral Dilatation

Product Summary: AMA rates Dilatation of urethral stricture. Dine in combination with urethroscopy and placement of IDC is advocated on daily basis at home as management of urethral stricture. Item Number: 37303, 105 Why is it done? To treat a narrowing in the urethra...


Product Summary: AMA rates Removal of urethra. Usually in adjunct to a radical cystectomy. Occassionally done some time after a cystectomy where recurrences occur in urethra. Item Number: 37330, 105 Why is it done? As part of the treatment for aggressive localized...

Urodynamic Studies and Cystoscopy – Female

Item Number: 11919 36812 Urodynamics is a collective name for a number of tests of bladder functions. The main test is called Cystometry, which measures your bladder’s ability to store and pass urine. Flow Rate measures the top speed and average speed of your urine...