Item Number: 36833
A day procedure under local anaesthetic, where a flexible cystoscope is placed in the bladder via the urethra to remove a stent placed with previous upper urinary tract work
Why is it done?
To investigate:
- Haematuria (blood in the urine)
- Recurrent urinary tract infections
- Space occupying lesions in the kidneys, ureters, and bladder investigated with ureteroscopy
- Abnormal cells suggestive of urothelial carcinoma, on urine cytology
- Removal of stent
Risk factors:
- Strong family history of bladder cancer
- Smokers or passive smokers
- Factory workers: dyes, paints, etc
- Renal stone disease, bladder stones with recent surgery resulting placement of a stent
How is it done?
- A cystoscopy is performed by placing a camera in the urethra with the help of a lubricant jelly and saline
- The bladder is then distended using the fluid
- The inside of the bladder is viewed for pathology.
- If any suspicious lesions are seen, a biopsy will be taken.
- Urine would have been sent for cytology prior to the procedure, to rule out the existence of cancer.
- Antibiotics may be given to prevent infection.
What to expect after the procedure?
- Pain on initial passing of urine
- Bladder infection ranging from a burning sensation to, fever, to puss (rare)
- Bloodstained urine
- Lower abdominal discomfort which will persist for a few days
- NB! Each person is unique and for this reason, symptoms vary.
Indications for a Ureteric stent
- Hematuria from upper tracts
- Disobstruction of the ureter caused either calculus, blood clot or tumour
- External compression of the ureter by retro-peritoneal pathology ie: Fibrosis, retroperitoneal lymph node compression
- Reduced renal function associated with hydronephrosis
- Sepsis associated with hydronephrosis
Copyright 2019 Dr Jo Schoeman