Extra-Corporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy

Product Summary: AMA rates ESWL Item Number: 35546, 105 Non-invasive technique of shattering renal or ureteric calculi using sound waves. This service is only provided at Brisbane Private Hospital. Why is it done? Renal stones of any size, usually larger than 1cm...

First Stage Sacro Neuro Modulation

Item Number: 36663, 18262 The aim is to alter the neuro-transmission from the Spinal Centre to the Bladder Why is it done? To alter the neuro-transmission from the Spinal Centre to the Bladder: Refractory Over Active Bladders with Urge Incontinence (OAB) Under Active...

Flexible Cystoscopy

Product Summary: AMA rates A traumatic endoscopic procedure to view the bladder. Under local or sedation Item Number: 36812, 105 A diagnostic day procedure under local anaesthetic, where a flexible cystoscope is placed in the bladder via the urethra. Why is it done?...

Flexible Cystoscopy & Removal Stent

Item Number: 36833 A day procedure under local anaesthetic, where a flexible cystoscope is placed in the bladder via the urethra to remove a stent placed with previous upper urinary tract work Why is it done? To investigate: Haematuria (blood in the urine) Recurrent...

Flexible Cystoscopy & Urethral Dilation

Item Number: 36833 A day procedure under local anaesthetic, where a flexible cystoscope is placed in the bladder via the urethra to remove a stent placed with previous upper tract work Why is it done? To investigate: Haematuria (blood in the urine) Recurrent urinary...