Product Summary: AMA rate The affected kidney with ureter and a cuff bladder is removed
Item Number: 36532, 105, 36533, 105
For urothelial cancers contained in the kidney / ureter. This is a intended curative procedure, depending on staging. It involves removing the complete reno-ureteric unit with a cuff of bladder.
It can be done open or laparoscopically.
Why is it done?
- Finding of 1 or more solid lesions inside the collecting systems of the kidney or ureter (intraluminal).
- Usually presents with macroscopic hematuria and flank pain.
- Usually a Urothelial Carcinoma (previous Transitional Cell Carcinoma TCC).
- Potentially curative process if staging is negative ie. No spread of tumour.
- Staging with CT abdomen and chest Bonescan MRI if in Renal Failure o Contrast Allergy.
- Could also be done in metastatic disease with uncontrollable haemorrhaging.
How is it done?

- Patients will receive a general anaesthesia.
- Prophylactic anti-biotics is given.
- The correct kidney is identified and marked while you are awake.
- A cystoscopy will be done first with a loosening of ureter inside the bladder and tied off of the ureter in order that there will be no spilling of ureteric content in the abdomen.
- Depending on the side of the tumour 3-4 incisions will be made: 1 for the hand-port of approximately 8cm depending on the amount of sub-cutaneous fat present 1 for the camera-port 1 for the working-port (1 for the liver retractor on the right).
- The colon is reflected to reveal the retro-peritoneal space.
- The ureter is identified and cleared up to the hilum.
- The arteries are identified and marked with vessel loops More than 1 can be present. Confirmed with CT arteriography.
- Then the vein/ viens are identified and marked with a vessel loop.
- The rest of the kidney is mobilized and loosened.
- Then the ureter is mobilized all the way down into the pelvis and plucked from the bladder where it has been loosened.
- Drain are left post-operatively.
- A catheter will be left for minimum of 5 days.
What next?
- You will spend up to 5 nights in hospital.
- You will have a catheter for that time.
- A drain for 2-3 days.
- You will a trial without the catheter on the 5th day.
- Renal functions will be checked daily.
- You may enter a phase of poly-uria. High production of urine as the remaining kidney adjusts to the higher work-load.
- You will be discharged as soon as your renal function has stabilised and you can function independently.
- Allow for 6 weeks for stabilization of symptoms.
- Restrict fluid intake to less than 3 L per day.
- A ward prescription will be issued on your discharge, for your own collection at any pharmacy.
- A follow-up appointment will be scheduled for 6 weeks. Remember there is no pathology due to vaporization.
- Don’t hesitate to ask Jo if you have any queries.
- Blood loss 20-500cc.
- May convert from a laparoscopic to open procedure.
- Wound Infection.
- Post-operative hernia formations especially associated in the elderly with atrophic abdominal muscles.
- NB! Each person is unique and for this reason symptoms vary!
Very Important!!
The correct side for surgery should be checked:
- CT scan present.
- Your approval.
- Prior to anaesthesia being commenced.
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